The three modes of material nature (Tri- Guna)
- This material world (Prakriti) is a mixture of three attributes (Guna). Guna is a Sanskrit word that can be translated into ‘quality, mode or attribute’.
- There are three modes of material nature: Tamas (darkness/ignorance), Rajas (excess/passion), and Sattva (goodness/balance).
- Vedic scriptures mention that all beings, objects, and actions in the material world have a combination of all three modes, varying only in quantity.
- The spirit soul bewildered by the influence of false ego thinks himself the doer of activities that are in actuality carried out by the three modes of material nature.
- The levels of each Guna in us can be controlled by respective food, knowledge, action, and time, which determines our progress in life.
- Those situated in the mode of goodness gradually go upward to the higher planets; those in the mode of passion live on the earthly planets; and those in the abominable mode of ignorance go down to the hellish worlds
- Above the three modes of nature is the Vishuddha Sattva (pure goodness) which is transcendental in nature.
- One who keeps equanimity in happiness or distress, stone or gold, honor or dishonor, friend or enemy; knowing that the modes alone are active, engages himself in Yoga with the Supreme, transcends the modes of nature.
How a soul is influenced by the three modes of material nature, and how to rise above the modes of nature:
Knowledge (Gyaan)
Hearing or Reading is a powerful tool that can influence our nature. There are scriptures written for people in the mode of goodness, passion and ignorance. The Sattvik scriptures will purify our consciousness and help us to get into the mode of goodness and ultimately into pure goodness.
Food (Anna)
The water we drink and the types of food we eat is also in the mode of goodness, passion & ignorance which directs our consciousness accordingly. The food offered to the source (Prasadam), elevates from mode of goodness to pure goodness.
Association (Sanga)
We should seek the company of those whose life is an emblem of purity and virtue. Such noble souls can easily transmit their virtues and transform our lives.
Time (Kala)
It is said that Brahma Muhurta or the time – 2 hours before sunrise is excellent and conducive for meditation on the Lord and similarly the daytime is for passion and night for ignorance.
Action (Karma)
The action performed on a physical (Kaya), mental (Mana), or verbal level (Vachana), also affects and the three modes of material nature.
At the time of death the soul leaves the gross body (earth, water, fire, air, ether) and with the subtle body (mind, intelligence, ego, past impressions or tendencies) moves to the next body. Therefore, the subtle body is the cause of the next body and is sometimes called the causal body. It is because of the association with the respective modes of nature, the consciousness at the time of death decides our next birth.